JP Medina is a Biologist with a Master Degree in Sciences by UAEM (State of Mexico Autonomous University). Nature Photographer. He is currently a PhD. student at the University of Manitoba.
He collaborates with iBIRDS in international projects related to bird monitoring. Particularly with the Institute for Bird Populations Passeriformes Winter Survival. Leading the only banding station of small owls in Mexico. He volunteers as a coordinator for the International Migratory Bird Day by Environment for the Americas. In Mexico he collaborates with the General Directory for Wildlife, National Protected Areas Commission, Ducks Unlimited Mexico A.C., and rural communities in Central Mexico.
As a photographer, he has won several competitions "Lo Hecho en Mexico", "Mexico en una Imagen", "Great Backyard Bird Count del Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon", and "Bird Studies Canada".